Our nation's debt is literally indenturing our children to our international debt holders, but most Americans don't care because they are more concerned about the latest saga involving Snooki on Jersey Shore rather than what really matters, our country’s future.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Biden sees up to 200,000 new U.S. jobs next month | Reuters

Opps I guess the VP was wrong again. The article below was from April 2010 and at that time the Whitehouse was predicting that the economy would be creating at least 250,000 jobs a month. A year later we have unemployment rising and 1 out of 7 Americans are relying on food stamps to keep food on the table.

WASHINGTON, April 23, 2010 (Reuters) - Vice President Joe Biden predicted on Friday the U.S. economy would create 100,000 to 200,000 jobs next month, with a rise to 250,000 to 500,000 jobs per month soon afterward, according to a press pool report.

"All in all, we're going to be creating somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 jobs next month, I predict," Biden was quoted as saying, while acknowledging he "got in trouble" for a job growth prediction in March.
"Even some in the White House said 'Hey, don't get ahead of yourself.' Well I'm here to tell you some time in the next couple of months we're going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month."

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