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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Muslim Homeland Security Advisor Mohammed Elibiary Accused of Leaking Documents to Prove Rick Perry‘s ’Islamophobia’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Just another moderate muslim....

Out of a 26-member advisory council, the Department of Homeland Security allowed just one advisor, Mohammed Elibiary, special access to a nationwide database that includes terror watch lists and FBI sensitive reports. Now, the Texas Muslim is being accused of leaking some of those documents to the media with the stated goal of damaging Texas governor and Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry. Elibiary asserts that the documents show what he calls the “Islamophobia” of Texas government agencies.
CBN News reports:
He’s accused of taking confidential documents from the Texas Department of Public Safety and shopping them to the media.
“Within hours of getting access he had downloaded those documents and began marketing to these publications,” investigative journalist Patrick Poole told CBN News.
Oddly enough, Elibiary sits on the Texas Department of Public Safety Advisory Council,” Poole said. “This was his own agency that he was sabotaging — or trying to sabotage.”
Even more disturbing, is that Elibiary has committed some highly dubious acts before. In 2004, he spoke at a conference honoring Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini, calling him a “great Islamic visionary,” and has praised former Muslim Brotherhood leader Sayyid Qutb.

According to CBN, Elibiary has also publicly condemned the prosecution of Hamas fundraisers in the United States.

Muslim Homeland Security Advisor Mohammed Elibiary Accused of Leaking Documents to Prove Rick Perry‘s ’Islamophobia’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

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